1) Pay Per Click (Search Ads)
2) Social Media Ads.
3) Email Marketing.
4) Influencer Marketing.
5) Podcast Ads.
1. Compelling content. One of the essential aspects of a good homepage design is compelling and engaging content.
2. Simple design sells.
3. Ready for mobile sales.
4. Don't be too 'salesy'
5. Use effective call-to-action buttons.
5 ways to promote your web design business
1. Give away your knowledge for free.
2. Get boots on the ground.
3. Be sociable.
4. Earn customer testimonials.
5. Create (better) content.
6 ways to improve your web design to increase sales
1. Integrate responsive design.
2. Make your calls to action (CTAs) stand out on the page.
3. Use high-quality visuals.
4. Create an organized navigation.
5. Use white space.
6. Speed up your site.
Colors, fonts, button styles, heading sizes, image styles, image sizes, and backgrounds are just a few of the things to keep consistent on your website. All of these factors contribute to the visual appeal of a website, but they are all relative.