1. Correct Paraphrase
a) Paraphrase your writing to remove redundant language from the original.
b) Modify the sentence structure; for instance, if the original author used the passive voice, use the active voice instead.
c) Make the text more unique by incorporating some of your own thoughts, opinions, or personal anecdotes.
.There are guidelines to follow when writing research-based essays in order to avoid being accused of copying, pasting, or plagiarizing: put text in quotation marks, include references and footnotes, adhere to citation standards, create a bibliography, etc. You must cite your sources in order to support copyright and intellectual property.
.A high percentage could indicate that you are dealing with a serious case of plagiarism, but it could also indicate that the same document has been uploaded to the database more than once (i.e. a thesis draft and the final version of the same thesis).
.How to Use Other People's Content
It goes without saying that the short answer to the question of whether it is legal to copy and paste content without permission is no. By doing so, you might violate the copyright of the content owner, which could result in expensive legal fees or post-licensing claims.
.Using paraphrasing tools is generally regarded as cheating because the content is not unique and the tools do not acknowledge the original author. Because you used a computerized tool or bot to spin the content for you instead of writing it yourself, it is unethical.
.Take the following actions to defend your company against claims of copyright infringement: Declare that content on your website might be used without the owner's permission. Describe how your use of this content complies with the fair use requirements (e.g., comment) 107 of the Copyright Act is referenced.
.Plagiarism occurs whenever you copy text verbatim from a source without citing it. If you do copy and paste a passage word for word, you must cite the author and put the information in quotation marks (i.e., " ") marks.