Your content must be of high quality, unique, and appealing to an audience. Read our advice to ensure that your site's pages are AdSense-ready. It is critical that you have access to the HTML source code of the site you submit for AdSense.
.Keep in mind that your site must be completely unique, which means that AdSense has never previously accepted it. You should receive a response from Google within 24-48 hours. If your site follows all of the above guidelines, approval should come fairly quickly.
.This usually takes a few days, but it can take up to 2-4 weeks in some cases. You can then place advertisements on your website and begin earning money. Ads will begin to appear on your site if you have already enabled Auto ads. While you wait for AdSense to activate your account, you can prepare your site privacy.
.To be honest, there is no set number of posts required, but one should have at least 30 high-quality posts before applying for Adsense. If you have several categories on your website, it is best to have a sufficient number of blog posts under each of them.
.Log in to your Google AdSense account. Select Sites. Locate your site in the list of sites and check its status.
.According to AdSense policies, each publisher can only have one account. We've included some tips below that may be useful if you're attempting to submit multiple applications to resolve an issue.