Simply put, the fundamentals of SEO can be boiled down to The 3 Cs: content, code and credibility.
.The 'Golden Rule” of SEO is: Understand your customers' needs and create an SEO experience that satisfies those needs - from the search result listing, to the first impression the visitor gets when landing on the page, to the ability for the visitor to quickly and easily find the content she is looking for.
.High-quality content is at the core of SEO success. To attract search engines, you need to populate your website with content. To start, ensure every page includes at least 300 words of original content. Search engines can detect duplicate content and may penalize your page for using copied content
.Start a blog and monetize through ads and affiliates. So, how long does it take to make money from SEO? If you have a well-established blog with a good amount of traffic, then you can make money with SEO fairly soon by creating sponsored content and posting banner ads on your blog