The speed with which a page loads is determined by the hosting server, the amount of bandwidth in transit, the web page design, and the number, type, and weight of elements on the page. Other considerations include the user's location, device, and browser type.
.5 Ways To Fix Your Slow-Loading Site
A 0-4 second load time is best for conversion rates, according to a 2019 study by Portent, and the first five seconds of page-load time have the greatest impact on conversion rates. In fact, pages with load times ranging from 0 to 2 seconds have the highest ecommerce conversion rates.
.Allow compression
Your pages will load faster if your files are smaller. One of the simplest ways to reduce load times is to compress files, and enabling compression with Gzip is now considered standard practice.
.Page speed is the time it takes for content on a specific webpage to load. This term is easily confused with other site optimization terms such as "site speed," which refers to the average loading time of more than one sample page on a given site.